20 April 2022

3 Secret Male Pornstars Use to Shoot HUGE LOADS Always

There are many reasons why a man would want to produce bigger semen loads. 

Probably the number one reason is to have better, more intense orgasms. The extra contractions needed to shoot more cum will really intensify the sensations felt during orgasms.

Women today say they are turned on by a man that shoots a huge load, too! There are other reasons for wanting to produce more semen. Here are a few of them.

"When you increase your ability to produce more semen, you will recover faster between orgasms."

This means you can finally satisfy your woman by performing again and again, and even have multiple orgasms! This is one of those secret desires of women. They say their man is one and done, while they still want more! If you can recover faster between orgasms you can eliminate that complaint from your woman!

If you are trying to get your gal pregnant, an increased semen load will definitely help. Sure, it only takes one little sperm to impregnate an egg, but the larger the load you are able to shoot, the greater the chance of that one sperm reaching it's target.

So, how do you go about increasing your semen load? You may need a few lifestyle changes. Things such as smoking, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, and drug abuse will actually decrease your semen production. Giving up these habits will go along way in helping to increase semen production. You should also include some form of cardiovascular exercise, even if it just a brisk walk two or three times a week. Believe it, or not, penis enlargement exercises can also be a great help!

They will increase blood flow to the genitals, and work the PC muscles which will help you shoot your loads with more force. Probably the most important thing you can do is take a semen volume enhancer supplement each day. This is especially true if you can't, or won't make the necessary lifestyle changes mentioned earlier.

There are many semen volume enhancers available today. Semenax will help you produce bigger semen loads, intensify your orgasms, and help you recover faster between those multiple orgasmic lovemaking sessions!

If you are serious about wanting to shoot bigger loads, the solution is just a click away!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1978148  

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