21 April 2022

Sex - How to Make Love to a Woman

When comes to sex every woman needs to touch the sky.
This is your job my friend.
You must bang her pussy in a way she will ask soon to do it again and again.
And you must be ready to satisfy her needs. Because she needs it, believe me.

Banging a woman is not a one way pleasure where the man acts like a King.
Baging a woman is a must for the man.
You must do it in order to reset her mood.

My friend if you are not able to do this hard job, you will deal with a stressful woman who will
make your life very hard.
Having sex is a very important moment in a couple's life.
Most of the time man thinks sex like an hobby to do in their spar time and this is wrong.
You must look at that moment more like a religious moment, a celebration to the life.

Your rule , my friend, is to play your part properly while she receive you in her body.
How to make your woman to touch the sky?
Well, here i am to tell you how to.

As i said already, having sex is a celebration so this means you must organize it.
Don't rush, do what it needs to have a perfect moment.
Many are the ways to prepare it.
My suggestion is "do not do" the same over and over again.

Change it and challenge yourself always for new situations.
In this moment you are not yet touching her.
You are just preparing the ground.

It can be anything to start: a dinner out, a rose to give to her when you came back from your job, a laughing situation while you are with her.
As you understand it takes time but if your goal is to fuck her well you need to work hard.
if you do it and be patience while you do it, you will give a medal to yourself.

It is worth going for it, believe me.
But now lets talk about the bed. It is time, isn't it?
Lets suppose that you are both naked and already have done all the preliminary games to warm up the bodies.


More article to read:  

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Now it is time to fuck and well.
Now you cock is hard. Her pussy is open and wet.
You must must be sure she is completely relaxed and ready to have you inside her hot pussy.

You now must slowly enter inside her pussy, i hope she is well wetted in order to help you to go smoothly inside....very deep inside!
Because you must go deep inside, it is there where i want you to go, it is there where this article is all about.

The end part of the vagina, the "G spot".
Many men use the vagina like an hand when they masturbate themself. Wrong!

The vagina is a door where you dick has to go inside, slowly and firm. It has to touch the end of it.
That's where the woman touch the sky and have serious fun.
Deep inside my friend.

You must bring you attention to the head of your cock, on the gland.
While you bang her you must keep your concentration on your gland.

Keep it hard thinking as it is an hammer, and push it straight down to the end of the wall.
The wall as i call it is the place where you must reach over and over again.
Like an hammer beating against a wall.
It has to be a no stop beating. Keep doing.

Forget about the rest of your cock's body. It is there to help to push all in.
You are not there asking a massage to the vagina sister.
You are there to bring the woman to touch the sky.

If you are able to do this , well your are earning the name of GOOD FUCKER.
And she will always asking for this over and over again.

Of course you must cum, and hopeful not soon.... you have to make sure she reach her orgasm as well...
Let her to cum first, than you.... and then she will cum again and she will thank you.
Don't be egoist, to try to fuck her just for the pleasure to do it for yourself.

She must enjoy first and then you, if you do this you will do it again because she will ask for you.

All this has been described in the case you want to be first very romantic with her, but if you have a change to have a good fuck , means that if you are already with an hot woman and there is not time to be romantic , just think at what i said.... fuck her properly.

Bang her hard, think to your cock that is inside a reach the wall.
So fuck a woman is reaching the wall, in this way you will make sure she will ouch the sky.

If then your problem is to keep it hard or she has some kind of vaginal problem well i have solutions for this, just check this links for very good products:



Thank you for reading the whole article and i wish you , with her, a very good FUCK ! 

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